PJ Library Shalom Baby Playdate!
LJCC Senior Lounge 3960 Montclair Rd, Birmingham, AL, United StatesPJ Library Shalom Baby Playdate! At 9am - 10:30am in the LJCC Senior Lounge
PJ Library Shalom Baby Playdate! At 9am - 10:30am in the LJCC Senior Lounge
Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Family Religious School
Unleash your children into a festival of experimentation, imagination, and a lesson and reuse and recycling! We will have every box we can get our hands on and a mountain of craft supplies.
Join TEFTY and BBYO teens for a hike at Red Mountain to celebrate Tu B'Shevat!
February Board Meeting via Zoom
Do you have questions about Jewish law, tradition, or history? Join Rabbi Yossi Friedman for an open conversation about all things Jewish as part of our new lunchtime series that explores pretty much whatever you've ever wanted to know about the world of Judaism. Complimentary tickets include lunch. Send questions in advance to LJCC Director of Jewish Life Tzlil McDonald. RSVP Here
locations at member homes, changes monthly
4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Hebrew School As students begin 4th grade, we teach Hebrew through prayer. We focus on strengthening their decoding skills (mainly in 4th grade), Hebrew vocabulary within the prayers, and the themes, concepts, and meaning of different prayers during Tefillah on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our goal is to help develop our students’ capability to participate in Jewish prayer services. In 5th and 6th grade, students begin mastering the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and Shabbat morning prayers that they will chant for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services.
Board of Directors meeting at CJFS main office.
For those interested in deepening their Jewish learning or converting to Judaism. Class runs annually, beginning each fall.