TBE New Member Welcome

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

Temple Beth El New Member Welcome event.

TBE/CRE Movie-Talk Village – Origins

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

TBE/Civil Right Experience/Alabama Holocaust Education Center We will be viewing the film Origin, followed by a discussion led by UAB Chair of the Department of History, Dr. Jonathan Wiesen.


Jewish National Fund, featuring Oren Hefetz

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

JNF presents Oren Hefetz, Retired Israeli Navy General, who will speak about his experiences and Israel post-October 7th.

NEMJDS Board Meeting

N.E. Miles Jewish Day School 4000 Montclair Road, Birmingham

Monthly N. E. Miles Jewish Day School Board meeting

Torah on Tap – sponsored by Gen XYZ

Elysian Gardens 101 40th Street South, Birmingham

Join us for Torah on Tap! Each month, we’ll meet at a different local brewery for socializing and learning with Rabbi Steven Henkin of Temple Beth-El. First round is on us! Please contact Rabbi Henkin at rabbihenkin@templebeth-el.net for specifics about each month’s topic.


Hadassah Book Club


Birmingham Hadassah Book Club – New members are always welcome. Poetry Meeting. Bring your favorite poem to share or present an original. Suzanne Bearman facilitates.


Hadassah Mah Jongg Mixer

Danbury at Inverness 235 Inverness Center Dr, Birmingham

Bring your Mah Jongg Game to Danberry at Inverness and enjoy Lunch and Fantastic Raffle Prizes


LJCC Governing Board

LJCC Board Room

Meeting of the LJCC Governing Board