Mahjong Open Play

Levite Jewish Community Center 3960 Monteclair Road, Birmingham

Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.

Beit Midrash: Judaism’s Life-Changing Ideas


Join our new season of the Beit Midrash! We’ll be meeting on Zoom every Thursday at 12 noon to discuss Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ commentary in his book, Judaism’s Life-Changing Ideas on the weekly Torah portion. No experience necessary, just a desire to learn!

Event Series Seder Cooking

Seder Cooking

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham

Come cook with your fellow congregant! We will make Passover favorites such as matzah ball soup, charoset, and matzah farfel kugel. Cooking will be held in the Aroms Hall kitchen. All supplies are provided by Temple.


Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham

A collaborative teen experience for our community's post-B'nai Mitzvah students.

Performance of “Heschel’s Passover Eve”

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham

The J — in partnership with Temple Beth-El, Temple Emanu-El, and the Jewish Community Relations Council — is offering a unique opportunity to see Heschel’s Passover Eve, a solo performance that takes an intimate “behind-the-scenes” look at a special seder hosted by Rabbi Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel and to which he has invited his friend and traveling companion Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The play begins in April 1968. As Rabbi Heschel arranges the chairs around the seder table, we watch him rehearse for the coming event. His preparations give the audience an intimate look at Heschel’s complex, fascinating, and even tumultuous character. Yizhar Hess, the vice chair of the World Zionist Organization who commissioned the play, will be in attendance. Get your tickets now for this performance at The J on January 16. 6:30 Doors open and reception 7:00 Play start 7:50 Talk-Back HERE is the link to purchase tickets.