Shabbat B’Yachad Sign Up

Gathering our Community Around the Shabbat Table

“Shabbat B’Yachad—or “Shabbat Around Birmingham”—are YBIB member hosted Friday night dinners. In the past, each host received a stiped of $118.00 to host at least 6 people (including themselves) at their home. To receive the stiped, hosts must consent to the following:

  • Sending a picture of their gathering to YBIB that will be used on social media and for publicity.
  • Agreeing to submit a follow-up summary email including thoughts and feelings about the Shabbat experience—including one “AHA” moment from the experience.
  • Confirming the names and number of attendees at the Shabbat dinner.

In addition, each host would receive a Shabbat B’Yachad branded goody bag which would include Shabbat themed items such as candles, challah, grape juice and possibly a Shabbat “conversation starters game.”

Interested in hosting?

Sign up to host below. You will be contacted by Riva Cullinan to get your Shabbat set up.

Potential Date You'd Like to Host
Potential Date You'd Like to Host

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