Shemini Atzaret
The Birmingham Jewish Federation & Foundation will be closed in observance of Shemini Atzaret.
The Birmingham Jewish Federation & Foundation will be closed in observance of Shemini Atzaret.
The Birmingham Jewish Federation & Foundation will be closed in observance of Simchat Torah.
PJ Library Shalom Baby Playdate! For babies ages 0-24 months and their parents.
Partnership2Gether Zoom with Itay Ken-Tor – Filmmaker, Educator, & Cultural Activist, Co-founder of Edut 710 Edut 710 is Israel’s largest documentation organization, dedicated to creating a video testimony database to be preserved for future generations. This archive holds significant historical value, serving as the official documentation of the events of October 7th.
Women's Philanthropy Signature Event: More details to come!
BJF Men's Event
Friday night, Erev Shabbat Service Honoring Jewish War Veterans (JWV), and Oneg sponsored by JWV Post 608.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Birmingham Jewish Federation and Women’s Philanthropy program will hold their Third Annual “Great Chanukah Read” this week. The Great Chanukah Read is an initiative through which we send volunteer readers into the elementary schools to share about the holiday of Chanukah and field the great questions that third graders have about the holiday and/or Jewish faith.
Miracle Monday Phone- a- thon for BJF solicitors and board.
Hannukah is Observed.