BJF Annual Meeting

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

The 2024 Annual Meeting honors Sally Friedman for 40 years of devoted service to the Birmingham Jewish Foundation(function(d, s) { var js, el = d.getElementsByTagName(s); window.BB_REG_FORM_ID = "af97a19d-f4be-4dc8-bb8c-a58d44a56d8f"; window.BB_REG_FORM_ENVIRONMENT_ID = "p-6y7bAPB6cE6nVgL2Gevslw"; window.BB_REG_FORM_HEADER_HEIGHT = 0; // If your page has a header/overlay, then you can set this value to your header height so that the payment form will scroll to the proper location when opened. js = d.createElement(s); js.src = ""; el.parentNode.insertBefore(js, el);})(document, "script");Award Recipients: -Julian and Adrienne Brook: N. E. Miles Lifetime Achievement Award -Sheri Krell: Susan J. Goldberg Distinguished Volunteer Award -Sarah Schaeffer: Joanie Plous Bayer Young Leadership AwardThe goal of the Sally Friedman Jewish Youth Fund is to help young Jews create a stronger connection to their Judaism and Israel through different paths: Participation in Jewish overnight camps Enrollment at the N.E. Miles Jewish Day School Jewish and Israel related activities Assisting Jewish youth in Israel