Love, Pray, & Eat Shabbat Service – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for our new once-a-month Shabbat morning experience at Temple Emanu-El, Love, Pray, & Eat! The Rabbi &/or Cantor will lead this casual Saturday morning service focusing on lessons from the Torah. Our worship will be interactive, engaging, and uplifting. A delicious catered lunch will follow the service. 10:00 AM - Shabbat service in Hess Chapel Followed by a catered lunch in Weil Hall. RSVP to Jan Hirsch, 972-358-6399 or


Labor Day

The Birmingham Jewish Federation & The Birmingham Jewish Foundation will be Closed in Observance of Labor Day

Event Series Tot Shabbat – TEE

Tot Shabbat – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for a fun Shabbat service with Cantor Wittner and Elizabeth Bloch followed by a yummy pizza dinner and play time in our play room! RSVP for dinner to

Shabbat Family Service – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for a fun Shabbat Family Service followed by a yummy oneg!

Love, Pray, & Eat Shabbat Service – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for our new once-a-month Shabbat morning experience at Temple Emanu-El, Love, Pray, & Eat! The Rabbi &/or Cantor will lead this casual Saturday morning service focusing on lessons from the Torah. Our worship will be interactive, engaging, and uplifting. A delicious catered lunch will follow the service. 10:00 AM - Shabbat service in Hess Chapel Followed by a catered lunch in Weil Hall. RSVP to Jan Hirsch, 972-358-6399 or



Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

Ma’ariv, Havdalah, & Selichot service in the Kimerling Chapel. Short films with discussion led by Rabbi Henkin and Jonathan & Tammi Horn in the Halpern-Levitt KidZone. Light snacks will be served.

TBE Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

TBE Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

TBE Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

TBE Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service Childcare available 8:00 - 1:30 8:30am, Shacharit 10:00am, Torah Service 10:00am, Alternative Service 1 10:00am, Tot Service 10:00am, Family Service 10:00am, Teen Discussion 11:00am, Sermon 11:30am, Musaf 11:30am, Alternative Service 2 (approx.) 1:00pm, Lunch

Event Series Tot Shabbat – TEE

Tot Shabbat – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for a fun Shabbat service with Cantor Wittner and Elizabeth Bloch followed by a yummy pizza dinner and play time in our play room! RSVP for dinner to