Event Series Tot Shabbat – TEE

Tot Shabbat – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham

Join us for a fun Shabbat service with Cantor Wittner and Elizabeth Bloch followed by a yummy pizza dinner and play time in our play room! RSVP for dinner to kathryn@ourtemple.org.

Prayer Gathering for the Release of Captives – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham

It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.

Shabbat Shirah – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham

Join us for a Shabbat Service full of musical celebration followed by dinner!