Prayer Gathering for the Release of Captives – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.

Shabbat Family Service – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for a fun Shabbat Family Service followed by a yummy oneg!

Torah Study – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us to study Torah with Rabbi Wright and Cantor Wittner.

Love, Pray, & Eat Shabbat Service – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for our new once-a-month Shabbat morning experience at Temple Emanu-El, Love, Pray, & Eat! The Rabbi &/or Cantor will lead this casual Saturday morning service focusing on lessons from the Torah. Our worship will be interactive, engaging, and uplifting. A delicious catered lunch will follow the service. 10:00 AM - Shabbat service in Hess Chapel Followed by a catered lunch in Weil Hall. RSVP to Jan Hirsch, 972-358-6399 or

Event Series Hebrew School – TEE

Hebrew School – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Hebrew School As students begin 4th grade, we teach Hebrew through prayer. We focus on strengthening their decoding skills (mainly in 4th grade), Hebrew vocabulary within the prayers, and the themes, concepts, and meaning of different prayers during Tefillah on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our goal is to help develop our students’ capability to participate in Jewish prayer services. In 5th and 6th grade, students begin mastering the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and Shabbat morning prayers that they will chant for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services.

Interfaith Grandparenting Lunch – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for lunch as we discuss various topics we may tackle in interfaith relationships with our children, grandchildren, or others.

Prayer Gathering for the Release of Captives – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.

Torah Study – TEE

Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us to study Torah with Rabbi Wright and Cantor Wittner.