4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Hebrew School As students begin 4th grade, we teach Hebrew through prayer. We focus on strengthening their decoding skills (mainly in 4th grade), Hebrew vocabulary within the prayers, and the themes, concepts, and meaning of different prayers during Tefillah on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our goal is to help develop our students’ capability to participate in Jewish prayer services. In 5th and 6th grade, students begin mastering the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and Shabbat morning prayers that they will chant for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services.
Join us for a film screening of the The M Factor– the first documentary about the health crisis faced by the millions of women going through menopause. A discussion will follow the film, and snacks will be provided.
Learn Hebrew basics with this 10-part class led by Elizabeth Bloch. Classes will be held via Zoom. Register at https://ourtemple.shulcloud.com/form/adheb2024 to receive your Zoom link.
Join us for Torah on Tap! Each month, we’ll meet at a different local brewery for socializing and learning with Rabbi Steven Henkin of Temple Beth-El. First round is on us! The first 10 people with young children to RSVP will receive a $25 gift card to use towards babysitting for the night. RSVP to Hadas at hadasl@bjf.org
Do you like to cook? Do you want to help congregants in need or welcome a new baby? Our goal is to fill our freezer so that we can give a meal to a family with a new baby, provide soup to someone coming home from the hospital, desserts for our caring committee bags, and food items for other life cycle occasions. We encourage you to join us! Families are welcome. Pick your shift and let monika@ourtemple.org that you'll be able to join us!
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
Kesher: A Jewish Teen Experience for teens 8th through 12th Grades The Kesher program promotes community learning for our High School students in grades 8th – 12th. The students get to know each other by meeting twice a month, for twelve sessions, beginning in October, at the N. E. Miles Jewish Day School to share dinner and learn. During each session, students will participate in an elective class along with an all-group content-based activity. Each elective will be a current topic of interest. In addition, students will participate in two community mitzvah projects to be done on a Sunday. The students will be part of the decision about what they will do. We also hope to take a community trip if possible.
Join Collat Jewish Family Services, LJCC, and Temple Emanu-El clergy for a multigenerational daytime Shabbat service and lunch. RSVP to caleigh@cjfsbham.org by Dec 4 to reserve your lunch!
Join us for a fun Shabbat service with Cantor Wittner and Elizabeth Bloch followed by a yummy pizza dinner and play time in our play room! RSVP for dinner to kathryn@ourtemple.org.
5:15 - “Pre-neg” - Enjoy a drink and enter the service feeling relaxed, closer to one another, and truly at home. 5:45 - Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcome the joy and beauty of Shabbat with an intimate, song-filled service.
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Join TBE’s Intentional Walking Village on the first Saturday of every month. Participants are invited to meet in the upper parking lot, and can join for all or part of the walk. 8:45- 9:30 – We will begin with a brief discussion of the week’s Parsha, followed by intentional walking. 9:30-10:30 – More exercise Questions? Reach out to sheribkrell@gmail.com or eitaliaander@gmail.com
Join us for our new once-a-month Shabbat morning experience at Temple Emanu-El, Love, Pray, & Eat! The Rabbi &/or Cantor will lead this casual Saturday morning service focusing on lessons from the Torah. Our worship will be interactive, engaging, and uplifting. A delicious catered lunch will follow the service. 10:00 AM - Shabbat service in Hess Chapel Followed by a catered lunch in Weil Hall. RSVP to Jan Hirsch, 972-358-6399 or cookiemom88@gmail.com
Comprised of students in grades 8-12, TEFTY functions as a youth organization within the NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) community. As a member of NFTY and the region SO (Southern), our youth group participates in local, regional, and national events. Teens in TEFTY build friendships, lifelong Reform Jewish identities, and leadership skills through community building, worship, and experiential youth-led Jewish educational and social programming. Join us for a fun evening at Top Golf! More details to come!
This December, thousands of Jewish teens around the world will celebrate Global Shabbat. Join Birmingham BBYO for an afternoon of community and celebration! We'll be coming together to prepare for Chanukah with candle making, donut decorating, and participating in a meaningful service project. *Please bring at least 1 non-perishable food or toiletry item to donate to Grace Klein Community* This event is open to all teens in 8th through 12th grade
Protect Yourself from Holiday Frauds and Scams. A special program presented by law enforcement on how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Do you have questions about Jewish law, tradition, or history? Join Rabbi Yossi Friedman for an open conversation about all things Jewish as part of our new lunchtime series that explores pretty much whatever you've ever wanted to know about the world of Judaism. Complimentary tickets include lunch. Send questions in advance to LJCC Director of Jewish Life Tzlil McDonald. RSVP Here
4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Hebrew School As students begin 4th grade, we teach Hebrew through prayer. We focus on strengthening their decoding skills (mainly in 4th grade), Hebrew vocabulary within the prayers, and the themes, concepts, and meaning of different prayers during Tefillah on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our goal is to help develop our students’ capability to participate in Jewish prayer services. In 5th and 6th grade, students begin mastering the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and Shabbat morning prayers that they will chant for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services.
Opening reception for the second annual collaborative art project, Community Canvas at The J. Join us as we view art from local organizations responding to this year's theme, Tikvah: Hope. Wine and cheese provided.
Learn Hebrew basics with this 10-part class led by Elizabeth Bloch. Classes will be held via Zoom. Register at https://ourtemple.shulcloud.com/form/adheb2024 to receive your Zoom link.
For those interested in deepening their Jewish learning or converting to Judaism. Class runs annually, beginning each fall.
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
Join us for lunch as we discuss various topics we may tackle in interfaith relationships with our children, grandchildren, or others.
Join You Belong in Birmingham, Temple Beth El, Temple Emanu-El, and Chabad of Alabama for our annual young adults Chanukah Party! Celebrate Chanukah early at Vulcan Park & Museum! Enjoy a latke bar and donut bar, open bar, festive photo booth, raffle prizes, and take in the fabulous views of Birmingham from atop Vulcan! Register for Tickets Below: <!-- If you embed multiple forms on your page, only copy one of the lines. Otherwise, multiple copies of the form will appear.--><div data-blackbaud-registration-form data-blackbaud-registration-form-envid="p-6y7bAPB6cE6nVgL2Gevslw" data-blackbaud-registration-form-id="f890ce58-2577-4de7-bc5e-4d14c4815565" data-blackbaud-registration-form-zone="usa" data-blackbaud-registration-form-header-height="0"> <!-- If your page has a header/overlay, then you can set this 'data-blackbaud-registration-form-header-height' value to your header height so that the payment form will scroll to the proper location when opened. -->
CJFS needs YOU to ensure that we can continue to provide home-delivery groceries every month to our low-income SGI clients. SGI client Peggy sends her gratitude, "May Gd bless you for volunteering your time to deliver our food boxes. This is a big help to those of us on fixed incomes. Thank you and may Gd bless you!" Please help unload more than 70 30-lb boxes of groceries and pack them for the Sunday delivery teams. The project typically takes 60-90 minutes, depending on how many volunteers show up! Spread the word--the more the merrier. To join our volunteer team, please contact caleigh@cjfsbham.org Be on the lookout for 2025 packing dates!
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Join us for a fun Shabbat Family Service with our 2nd and 3rd grade Religious School students followed by a yummy oneg!
Families with children aged 5 and younger are invited to join us at 10:30 am on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the Halpern-Levitt KidZone for a fun and interactive musical Shabbat service, followed by a kid friendly kiddush lunch. September 14 - Rosh Hashanah Tot Shabbat November 9 – Thanksgiving Tot Shabbat December 14 – Chanukah Tot Shabbat January 11 – Dino Tot Shabbat February 8 – Tu B'Shevat Tot Shabbat March 8 – Animals Tot Shabbat May 10 – “Princess/Superhero” Tot Shabbat
Join us for a guided meditation and visualization to help connect to Shabbat. Please bring a pillow and blanket or yoga mat.
Shabbat prayers, music, and learning for 3rd to 6th graders and their families.
TBE Sisterhood's Latke Lunch - a day packed with activity! Family crafts, blood drive, delicious latke lunch and bake sale!
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Birmingham Jewish Federation and Women’s Philanthropy program will hold their Third Annual “Great Chanukah Read” this week. The Great Chanukah Read is an initiative through which we send volunteer readers into the elementary schools to share about the holiday of Chanukah and field the great questions that third graders have about the holiday and/or Jewish faith.
Looking for ways to connect with friends or make new ones? Join us for a fun filled morning playing board games and socializing. Snacks and drinks will be provided. This event is free and open to the public. RSVP is required caleigh@cjfsbham.org or 205-278-7101
TEE Sisterhood will host a Chanukah supper for its members at Slice Vestavia. More details to come.
Southern Jewish Voices present stories about Jewish life in Birmingham. The program is presented through a series of interviews conducted in front of a live audience. Videos of all sessions are archived online.
4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Hebrew School As students begin 4th grade, we teach Hebrew through prayer. We focus on strengthening their decoding skills (mainly in 4th grade), Hebrew vocabulary within the prayers, and the themes, concepts, and meaning of different prayers during Tefillah on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our goal is to help develop our students’ capability to participate in Jewish prayer services. In 5th and 6th grade, students begin mastering the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and Shabbat morning prayers that they will chant for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services.
Dinner will be served at 5:30pm with the meeting beginning at 6pm. A Zoom option will be available for those unable to attend in-person.
Learn Hebrew basics with this 10-part class led by Elizabeth Bloch. Classes will be held via Zoom. Register at https://ourtemple.shulcloud.com/form/adheb2024 to receive your Zoom link.
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Join Rabbi Wright &/or Cantor Wittner for a light hike and Shabbat service at Red Mountain Park.
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
The Office of The Birmingham Jewish Federation & Foundation will be closed for New Year's Day.
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Join TBE’s Intentional Walking Village on the first Saturday of every month. Participants are invited to meet in the upper parking lot, and can join for all or part of the walk. 8:45- 9:30 – We will begin with a brief discussion of the week’s Parsha, followed by intentional walking. 9:30-10:30 – More exercise Questions? Reach out to sheribkrell@gmail.com or eitaliaander@gmail.com