Beginning Adult Hebrew – TEE
ZoomLearn Hebrew basics with this 10-part class led by Elizabeth Bloch. Classes will be held via Zoom. Register at to receive your Zoom link.
Learn Hebrew basics with this 10-part class led by Elizabeth Bloch. Classes will be held via Zoom. Register at to receive your Zoom link.
bat mitzvah
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
Join celebrated Holocaust scholar Peter Hayes for the AHEC’s annual Kristallnacht Commemorative Lecture. Hosted in partnership with the UAB Department of History, this lecture will provide an exclusive preview of Hayes’ upcoming book, Profits and Persecution: German Big Business in the Nazi Economy and the Holocaust. Were German businesses Nazi collaborators, or were they just doing business with the Nazis? Hayes will explore how German businesses during the Nazi regime became involved with and vital to the Nazi persecution, exploitation, and murder of the Jewish people. He will reveal how the Nazi regime used a corrupting combination of intimidation and temptation to win the support of the German corporate world and earn their participation in what he terms “the normalization of barbarism.” Shockingly, few of these businessmen were ever brought to justice for their actions, and Hayes will unravel the mystery of why and how these individuals escaped prosecution. The event will be held at UAB’s Hulsey Auditorium on November 7th with a reception at 5:30pm. The lecture will then promptly begin at 6:00pm. Join us to learn more about how ordinary German businesses became Nazi collaborators and enjoy a sneak peek of Hayes’ new book!
Join us for Torah on Tap! November - a joint program at Back Forty with Temple Emanu El, co-led by Rabbi Henkin & Cantor Wittner. Each month, we’ll meet at a different local brewery for socializing and learning. First round is on us!
Join us for a fun Shabbat service with Cantor Wittner and Elizabeth Bloch followed by a yummy pizza dinner and play time in our play room! RSVP for dinner to
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Friday night, Erev Shabbat Service Honoring Jewish War Veterans (JWV), and Oneg sponsored by JWV Post 608.
Shabbat honoring veterans in the community.
Families with children aged 5 and younger are invited to join us at 10:30 am on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the Halpern-Levitt KidZone for a fun and interactive musical Shabbat service, followed by a kid friendly kiddush lunch. September 14 - Rosh Hashanah Tot Shabbat November 9 – Thanksgiving Tot Shabbat December 14 – Chanukah Tot Shabbat January 11 – Dino Tot Shabbat February 8 – Tu B'Shevat Tot Shabbat March 8 – Animals Tot Shabbat May 10 – “Princess/Superhero” Tot Shabbat