Mahjong Open Play
Levite Jewish Community Center 3960 Monteclair Road, Birmingham, Alabama, United StatesMahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
Mahjong brings fun and fellowship and is open to members and non-members. Lunch can be ordered and delivered by Tara at Bo's Kosher Cafe.
Birmingham Hadassah board meeting at the home of Eva Wilensky
8/16/2024 - 8/30/2024: Temple Circles 2024-2025 Annual Session Open for Participants.
CJFS needs YOU to ensure that we can continue to provide home-delivery groceries every month to our low-income SGI clients. SGI client Peggy sends her gratitude, "May Gd bless you for volunteering your time to deliver our food boxes. This is a big help to those of us on fixed incomes. Thank you and may Gd bless you!" Please help unload more than 70 30-lb boxes of groceries and pack them for the Sunday delivery teams. The project typically takes 60-90 minutes, depending on how many volunteers show up! Spread the word--the more the merrier. To join our volunteer team, please contact Please save the following packing dates: Friday, June 21, 2024 Friday, July 19, 2024 Friday, August 16, 2024 Friday, September 13, 2024 Wednesday, October 16,2024 Friday, November 15, 2024 Friday, December 13, 2024
It is a custom in Judaism to pray for the release of captives. On Friday evenings, we will gather in the Hess Chapel to read the over 200 names we have of those being held since October 7, and offer a prayer for their release. All are welcome.
Join us to study Torah with Rabbi Wright and Cantor Wittner.
Bat mitzvah
Save the date for BBYO's Fall Kickoff! Join us at Top Golf on August 18 to start the new semester off. Come play golf, hang out, and learn about BBYO! This event is open to all 8th through 12th graders. Membership is not required. Register Below
TBE Men's Club Bowling at Vestavia Bowl. All are welcome. $18.00 per person includes shoes. Children under age 10 are free. Please pre-register by August 15th.